Disclaimer: The content provided on this website is provided solely for informational purposes.

The information below should not be used as an alternative to obtaining individual professional advice. Always consult your professional mental and physical healthcare providers when beginning any new treatment. 

Top Tips for Creating Work Life Balance
Penelope Lovegrove Penelope Lovegrove

Top Tips for Creating Work Life Balance

How can you find balance between work and life? Since COVID many of us are working at home at least a few days per week which can make distinguishing the boundaries between our working life and homelife difficult. The following article provides tips and strategies to help achieve that perfect work-life balance.

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Unmasking Adult ADHD: Exploring the Surge in Interest and Challenges in Diagnosis
Penelope Lovegrove Penelope Lovegrove

Unmasking Adult ADHD: Exploring the Surge in Interest and Challenges in Diagnosis

Adult ADHD diagnosis is having a moment in the zeitgeist and it’s for good reason. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and researchers around the globe have recognised that we may have got the criteria a little bit wrong and so begins the mad scramble to correct these oversights. Just what is the problem with diagnosing ADHD in adulthood? Why is it so tricky to get a diagnosis? This article aims to answer these questions and more.

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Penelope Lovegrove Penelope Lovegrove


The efficacy of psychotherapy in the treatment of depression.

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Finding YOUR Therapist
Penelope Lovegrove Penelope Lovegrove

Finding YOUR Therapist

Searching for the best psychologist? What questions should you ask your psychologist at the first session? How do you know your psychologist is good for you? This article hopes to shed some light on how to find the best psychologist for your needs.

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