Merry Mindfulness: Navigating the holiday season

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but let's not forget to be mindful too! During the festive frenzy, it's crucial to keep our mental health in check. The holidays can be a mixed bag of joy and stress, so let’s unwrap some mental wellness tips to make sure you sleigh through the season with a smile.

1. Jingle all the Way to Self-Care Wonderland

Amidst the carols and Christmas lights, don't forget to gift yourself the present of self-care. Take a break from the holiday hustle and bustle to indulge in activities that recharge your mental batteries. Whether it's a cozy evening with a book, a bubble bath, or a stroll in the crisp winter air, make self-care a non-negotiable part of your holiday routine.

2. Deck the Halls with Healthy Boundaries

Setting boundaries during the holidays is like putting up tinsel around your mental space. It's okay to decline invitations or take a rain check on that third end of year party. Prioritise your mental well-being and learn to say no without the guilt trip. Remember, 'tis the season for you too! Boundaries may also be necessary for family members too. This usually requires a little more tact so consider using the “positive sandwich” method which is delivering your negative or perhaps sensitive opinion between two positive ones. For example, “The food is amazing; you’ve really gone to so much trouble. Would you mind if next year I brought a gluten free pudding? I am truly so appreciative of you hosting. I look forward to it every year”. Alternatively consider leaving your opinion until another occasion. Does it need to be said today? Or can you let this one slip through to the keeper?

3. 'Twas the Night Before a Digital Detox

In a world dominated by screens, it's time for a digital detox. Put down the phone, step away from the computer, and give your mind a break. Use this time to reconnect with loved ones face-to-face, share laughter, and create memories that aren't bound by pixels. If you’re struggling to get the kids off their screens try playing the game with them or cast a device to the television and watch their funny Tik Tok memes, cat videos, or favourite You Tuber together. My children find it hilarious to watch mum’s attempts to play the game they’re so skilled at and love trying to teach me which buttons to press.

4. Silent Night, Peaceful Night: Mindfulness Meditation

Amidst the holiday chaos, find your silent night through mindfulness meditation. Take a few moments each day to breathe deeply, center your thoughts, and appreciate the present moment. Mindfulness can be your secret weapon against stress, allowing you to savor the holiday spirit without feeling overwhelmed.

5. Unwrap Gratitude Daily

Instead of focusing on the tinsel-covered stressors, unwrap the gift of gratitude. Take a moment each day to reflect on the positive aspects of your life. Whether it's the warmth of a cup of cocoa or the joy of spending time with family, gratitude can be a powerful antidote to holiday blues.

6. Sleigh the Pressure, Not Yourself

The pressure to create the perfect holiday can be overwhelming. Remember, it's okay if the cookies are more 'rustic' than Instagram-worthy or if the tree leans a little to the left. My table this year had broken crockery, mismatched cutlery, and paper towel for napkins. Martha Stewart I surely was not but the food and family made up for it. Embrace imperfection and focus on the joy of the season rather than the pursuit of perfection. Mind you I did make a mental note to buy some Christmas napery in the sales for next year!

7. Fa-la-la-la-Follow-Up

If the holiday blues start to hum a melancholy tune, don't hesitate to seek support. Reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional. 'Tis the season for compassion, and sometimes sharing your feelings can be the greatest gift you give yourself. If family and friends are busy or you don’t want to burden them with your feelings, remember there is Lifeline on 13 11 14 which has someone there to speak with you 24/7.

In the whirlwind of holiday excitement, let’s not forget the most important person on your gift list—YOU! By incorporating these mental health tips into your festive routine, you'll be spreading cheer, not stress. So, here's to a season filled with joy, laughter, and the gift of a merry and mindful mind!

Penelope is back seeing clients in the new year. For appointments please click here.


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