10 Questions with Penelope

* from Good Therapy Australia

  • Why did you become a psychologist?

    I've always had a strong desire to help those under emotional and mental distress. I completed my undergraduate training in psychology in 1999 however the Government at the time removed student loans which meant I could not afford to do post-graduate training at that time. So, I became a social worker and begun my career as a counselor however I always wanted the further training in treating more significant mental health issues and so returned to post-graduated studies in Clinical Psychology in 2014. I have not regretted this decision. I enjoy the emphasis on evidence based practice which psychology provides. I want to know that the interventions I plan and deliver with my clients have the best chance of creating sustained change. I don't want to waste anyone's time or money!

  • What philosophical approaches have influenced you the most?

    I was a practicing Buddhist for more than 20 years so this has very much influenced my personal development. Having said this I do not believe that this philosophy is the only philosophy nor the correct approach for all. My own family have different philosophies in life, it is about acceptance of diversity.

    Professionally I think the Buddhist emphasis on compassion has influenced my practice the most. It has given me the ability to see everyone as if they were a valuable treasure. No matter what the situation I try to listen with compassion and see the world through the eyes of my clients. From there I can guide them to perhaps take a different perspective and gain clarity that way.

  • What aspects of the human journey are you interested in?

    I'm interested in the entire human journey! I love that we all have such vast experiences and differing insights. People are amazing, utterly brilliant. I particularly love it when you see that lightbulb switch on and the client suddenly finds their answer. I also love it when clients muster up the courage to say what has really been troubling them and the relief on their faces when they realise they are not being judged for it. Anything goes in therapy. All thoughts and emotions, no matter how crazy you think they are, are welcome. They're probably not so crazy to me :)

    Finally, I love it when client's pull me up on things - I love that they are empowered and in control and comfortable enough with me to do so. My sessions are truly collaborative which means it goes both ways.

  • What methods do you use?

    I tailor my approach to the individual so my methods will vary from client to client. I typically draw from CBT, ACT, DBT, psychodynamic (ISTDP) and Compassion Focused approaches. However, I am currently undertaking 3 year training in Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy so am bringing this into my approach more and more.

  • When do you think the client will start to feel that progress is being made?

    Progress depends on what the client wants to achieve. I think the six-session model is okay for teaching the basics of behavioural change. The first two sessions are really just getting to know one another and build a therapeutic alliance. However, for more deep-rooted change or for processing of trauma (for example) it may take a while before you feel like you are making progress. I also think that people can use different therapists to get them through different parts of their journey, each therapist building upon the progress of the last. I have also seen great gains being made from just a single session and I must recognise that this isn't just my doing but the culmination of lots of different learnings that client has obtained that happened to come together with me in that moment. It's different for everyone. We are all works in progress, constantly changing and growing. I do know however, that progress is going to be difficult if the rapport isn't there so if you're not clicking with your therapist - move on and find a different one!

  • How has therapy made you a better person?

    I think everyone should be in therapy! It's wonderful to be able to talk with someone without fear of judgement. Someone who is going to really listen. Someone who you can say anything to, nut things out or rehearse things before doing it in real life. I've been to personal therapy and couples therapy and both have been very helpful. I shopped around though and found the right person for me. It took time but it was worth it. I also have regular professional supervision which ensures that I am at my best professionally.

  • What do you like most about being a therapist?

    Being able to see the world through other people's experiences. Being able to provide a safe emotional space for people. Watching people heal and grow. Witnessing that moment when client's see that they are strong enough to handle things on their own.

  • Do you ever have 'bad hair' days?

    Of course, everyone does, but it doesn't usually bother me. The beauty of being a therapist is that I can forget about all of that when I am with a client and just be in the moment with them.

  • What do you think is the most significant problem we face, in the world today?

    Not accepting diversity.

  • Can you share the name of a book, film, song, event or work of art that inspires you?

    Movie: - Intouchables, Orlando, Baraka... many more

    TV Shows: - After Life, Ted Lasso, Succession, The West Wing, Walking Dead.

    Book: - Veronika Decides to Die, Miracle of Mindfulness, Lam Rim, Anything by Irvin Yalom, The Happiness Hypothesis.

    Art: - too many to name and so many unnamed. Anything done by a child :)